Urban Caledonia Shoot

Amie first modelled the Urban Caledonia range last November in Love Fashion. Amie frequently models for Premiere Productions UK at fashion shows and wedding exhibitions throughout the year, and loves it!

She absolutely loved the hoodie that she wore in the show and not long after Julie from Urban Caledonia got in touch asking if Amie would like to be a brand ambassador for the range. We jumped at the chance as the clothes is so lovely and soft and of very high quality.

We have purchased hats for all the kids and Amie has tried out the hoodie and onesie. I highly recommend them, and it’s great to shop and support local companies here in Aberdeen.

If you like the look of the clothing then head to the website and grab yourself some, there is a 10% off code when you sign up to the website too.


You won’t be disappointed!

Special thanks also to https://www.facebook.com/PremiereUK/
